Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Make it Like Frozen and Let it Go; Makeup, hair products, clothes, old tracks...

"Less Stuff, Less Stress"

So I have came to the conclusion that i have to much stuff for my own good. I'm not a horder. Okay not a Burried alive one but I have a collecting problem and a buying problem. If its cute, I want it. If I think it make benefit me, I want it. If its on sale, I want it. If it is free, I want it. So after reevaluating my life I have came to the conclusion that this has got to stop. To be honest my bank account told me I have got to stop. And I want to live a minimalistic lifestyle because I think its less stressful. I realized the reason why I have too much stuff is because I'm afraid of not having any stuff so I collect things for the future and then it ends up gathering dust.

I wondered if anyone else shared my issue of having to much stuff, so I went to Youtube! I found this woman named Pinksofoxy and her series of "less stuff less stress" videos. What she does is go through all of her stuff and just starts making piles of things to keep, throw away and give away. The amount of things she had was unreal and she gave the majority of it away to a women helping women organization. So she has just inspired me to go through all of my clostes, draws, boxes, bins, and bags and just get rid of things and just declutter. The only things I'm not getting rid of is clothes. Usually during the Summer I go through all of my clothes and get rid of things, so I think I'm good on that issue. I really just need to stop buying thing just because they are on sale. For now on if I need it. I will buy it.

So for the next couple of days I will be purging to organize and simplify. I hope this post has inspired you to reevaluate your stuff. Why do you have it? Do you use it? If someone broke into your house and stole it. would you know its gone? Does it have a place to live? Below is a link to PinkSoFoxy's video!
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