About me

So I see you have stumbled upon the magical land that is LaLa's world. Welcome, most that enter are never seen again. Once you have entered, the sparkly background captivates your mind and steals your soul. LOL. Just kidding. Its not that kind of party.

I will let you in on a little secret. My real name is Delilah. My family call me LaLa because down here in the south we likes to keep thing short and simple. I'm about 20....and counting and I just want to share my life with you. I am a college student studying fashion design at the University of Alabama. Yes, I know roll tide. I am a very petite young woman and if you are under 5"4 or whatever the average height is then you know the clothing struggle. My over all goal in life is to design a clothing line suited for petite young women. I feel like our market is neglected. We either look like someone's grandma or a little kid playing dress up. Right now I am doing my darnest to hurry up and get this degree so I can cater to my kind and our need of stylish clothing that fit our body. This may take a while, give me like ten years and I swear I will have your bodice back. LOL. Get it? Bodice back...its a fashion joke.

I also want to be know as an artist so please share my sketches!

My other interest include hair, beauty, food, and just the little things in life like watching Supernatural marathon in your bed with no bra on.


  1. You are the first person I've stumbled across in the blogging world that lives in Alabama. Like omg you don't know excited I am lol & Delilah is such a pretty name!

    1. I Know I read that you were from Alabama on your blog too! small world!
